- Extends
- Info
- Modifiers
- HideDropDown CacheExempt native
+-- Engine.Actor
+-- Engine.Info
+-- Engine.GameInfo
Direct Known Subclasses:
CinematicGame, UnrealMPGameInfo
Inherited Variables from Engine.Actor |
Acceleration, AccumKarmaAngleError, ActorRenderData, AmbientGlow, AmbientSound, AntiPortal, Attached, AttachmentBone, AttachTag, bAcceptsProjectors, bActorShadows, bAlreadyPrecachedMaterials, bAlreadyPrecachedMeshes, bAlwaysFaceCamera, bAlwaysRelevant, bAlwaysTick, bAlwaysZeroBoneOffset, bAnimByOwner, Base, bAttenByLife, bAutoAlignToTerrain, bBadStateCode, bBlockActors, bBlockKarma, bBlockNonZeroExtentTraces, bBlockPlayers, bBlockProjectiles, bBlocksTeleport, bBlockZeroExtentTraces, bBounce, bCanBeDamaged, bCanTeleport, bClientAnim, bClientAuthoritative, bClientDemoNetFunc, bClientDemoRecording, bClientTrigger, bCollideActors, bCollideWhenPlacing, bCollideWorld, bCompressedPosition, bCorona, bDeferRendering, bDeleteMe, bDemoOwner, bDemoRecording, bDestroyInPainVolume, bDetailAttachment, bDirectional, bDirectionalCorona, bDisableSorting, bDisturbFluidSurface, bDramaticLighting, bDynamicLight, bEdShouldSnap, bEdSnap, bFixedRotationDir, bForceSkelUpdate, bFullVolume, bGameRelevant, bHardAttach, bHidden, bHiddenEd, bHiddenEdGroup, bHighDetail, bHurtEntry, bIgnoreEncroachers, bIgnoreOutOfWorld, bIgnoreTerminalVelocity, bIgnoreVehicles, bInterpolating, bJustTeleported, bLightChanged, bLightingVisibility, bLockLocation, bMovable, bNetDirty, bNetInitial, bNetInitialRotation, bNetNotify, bNetOwner, bNetRelevant, bNetTemporary, bNoDelete, bNoRepMesh, bNotifyLocalPlayerTeamReceived, bNotOnDedServer, bObsolete, bOnlyAffectPawns, bOnlyDirtyReplication, bOnlyDrawIfAttached, bOnlyOwnerSee, bOnlyRelevantToOwner, bOrientOnSlope, bOrientToVelocity, bOwnerNoSee, bPathColliding, bPathTemp, bPendingDelete, bProjTarget, bRepClientDemo, bReplicateAnimations, bReplicateInstigator, bReplicateMovement, bRotateToDesired, Brush, bScriptInitialized, bSelected, bShadowCast, bShouldBaseAtStartup, bShouldStopKarma, bShowOctreeNodes, bSkipActorPropertyReplication, bSmoothKarmaStateUpdates, bSpecialLit, bStasis, bStatic, bStaticLighting, bSuperHighDetail, bTearOff, bTempEditor, bTicked, bTimerLoop, bTraceWater, bTrailerAllowRotation, bTrailerPrePivot, bTrailerSameRotation, bTravel, bUnlit, Buoyancy, bUpdateSimulatedPosition, bUseCollisionStaticMesh, bUseCylinderCollision, bUseDynamicLights, bUseLightingFromBase, bWasSNFiltered, bWorldGeometry, CachedLocalToWorld, CachedLocation, CachedRotation, ClientOverlayCounter, ClientOverlayTimer, CollisionHeight, CollisionRadius, CollisionTag, ColLocation, CullDistance, Deleted, DesiredRotation, DrawScale, DrawScale3D, DrawType, Event, ExcludeTag[8], FluidSurfaceShootStrengthMod, ForcedVisibilityZoneTag, ForceNoise, ForceRadius, ForceScale, ForceType, Group, HardRelMatrix, HighDetailOverlay, InitialState, Instigator, Inventory, JoinedTag, KParams, KStepTag, LastRenderTime, LatentFloat, Leaves, Level, LifeSpan, LightBrightness, LightCone, LightEffect, LightHue, LightPeriod, LightPhase, LightRadius, LightRenderData, LightSaturation, LightType, Location, LODBias, Mass, MaxLights, Mesh, MeshInstance, MessageClass, NetPriority, NetTag, NetUpdateFrequency, NetUpdateTime, OctreeBox, OctreeBoxCenter, OctreeBoxRadii, OctreeNodes, OverlayMaterial, OverlayTimer, Owner, PendingTouch, Physics, PhysicsVolume, PrePivot, Projectors, Region, RelativeLocation, RelativeRotation, RemoteRole, RenderRevision, RepSkin, Role, Rotation, RotationRate, ScaleGlow, SimAnim, Skins, SoundOcclusion, SoundPitch, SoundRadius, SoundVolume, StaticFilterState, StaticMesh, StaticMeshInstance, StaticMeshProjectors, StaticSectionBatches, Style, SurfaceType, Tag, Texture, TimerCounter, TimerRate, Touching, TransientSoundRadius, TransientSoundVolume, UV2Mode, UV2Texture, Velocity, XLevel |
Inherited Enumerations from Engine.Actor |
EDoubleClickDir, EDrawType, EFilterState, EFlagState, EForceType, eKillZType, ELightEffect, ELightType, EMusicTransition, ENetRole, EPhysics, ERenderStyle, ESoundOcclusion, ESoundSlot, ESurfaceTypes, ETravelType, EUV2Mode |
Structures Summary |
KeyValuePair Key, Value |
PlayerResponseLine PlayerNum, PlayerName, Ping, Score, StatsID |
ServerResponseLine ServerID, IP, Port, QueryPort, ServerName, MapName, GameType, CurrentPlayers, MaxPlayers, Ping, Flags, SkillLevel, ServerInfo, PlayerInfo |
Inherited Structures from Engine.Actor |
ActorRenderDataPtr, AnimRep, BatchReference, FireProperties, KRBVec, KRigidBodyState, KSimParams, LightRenderDataPtr, PointRegion, ProjectorRenderInfoPtr, StaticMeshProjectorRenderInfoPtr |
Functions Summary |
![event event](../img_event.gif) | | AcceptInventory (pawn PlayerPawn)
![event event](../img_event.gif) | bool | AcceptPlayInfoProperty (string PropName)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | AddDefaultInventory (pawn PlayerPawn)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | AddGameModifier (GameRules NewRule)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | AddGameSpecificInventory (Pawn p)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | AddMutator (string mutname, optional bool bUserAdded)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | AddServerDetail (out ServerResponseLine ServerState, string RuleName, coerce string RuleValue)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | AdjustBotInterface (bool bSinglePlayer)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | AdminSay (string Msg)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | AllDataObjects (class objClass, out Object obj, string packageName)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | bool | AllowBecomeActivePlayer (PlayerController P)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | bool | AllowGameSpeedChange ()
![function function](../img_function.gif) | bool | AllowMutator (string MutatorClassName)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | bool | AtCapacity (bool bSpectator)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | bool | BecomeSpectator (PlayerController P)
![event event](../img_event.gif) | | Broadcast (Actor Sender, coerce string Msg, optional name Type)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | BroadcastDeathMessage (Controller Killer, Controller Other, class<DamageType> damageType)
![event event](../img_event.gif) | | BroadcastLocalized (actor Sender, class<LocalMessage> Message, optional int Switch, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2, optional Object OptionalObject)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | BroadcastTeam (Controller Sender, coerce string Msg, optional name Type)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | bool | CanEnterVehicle (Vehicle V, Pawn P)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | bool | CanLeaveVehicle (Vehicle V, Pawn P)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | bool | CanSpectate (PlayerController Viewer, bool bOnlySpectator, actor ViewTarget)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | ChangeMap (int ContextID)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | ChangeName (Controller Other, coerce string S, bool bNameChange)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | bool | ChangeTeam (Controller Other, int N, bool bNewTeam)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | ChangeVoiceChannel (PlayerReplicationInfo PRI, int NewChannelIndex, int OldChannelIndex)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | bool | CheckEndGame (PlayerReplicationInfo Winner, string Reason)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | CheckScore (PlayerReplicationInfo Scorer)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | Object | CreateDataObject (class objClass, string objName, string packageName)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | DeadUse (PlayerController PC)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | bool | DeleteDataObject (class objClass, string objName, string packageName)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | bool | DeletePackage (string packageName)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | Destroyed ()
![event event](../img_event.gif) | | DetailChange ()
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | DisableNextObjective ()
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | DiscardInventory (Pawn Other)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | DriverEnteredVehicle (Vehicle V, Pawn P)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | DriverLeftVehicle (Vehicle V, Pawn P)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | EndGame (PlayerReplicationInfo Winner, string Reason)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | EndLogging (string Reason)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | FillPlayInfo (PlayInfo PlayInfo)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | string | FindPlayerByID (int PlayerID)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | NavigationPoint | FindPlayerStart (Controller Player, optional byte InTeam, optional string incomingName)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | actor | FindSpecGoalFor (PlayerReplicationInfo PRI, int TeamIndex)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | string | FindTeamDesignation (GameReplicationInfo GRI, actor A)
![event event](../img_event.gif) | | GameEnding ()
![function function](../img_function.gif) | array<string> | GetAllLoadHints (optional bool bThisClassOnly)
![event event](../img_event.gif) | string | GetBeaconText ()
![function function](../img_function.gif) | int | GetBindWeight (byte KeyNumber)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | class<Pawn> | GetDefaultPlayerClass (Controller C)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | int | GetDefenderNum ()
![function function](../img_function.gif) | string | GetDescriptionText (string PropName)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | string | GetDisplayText (string PropName)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | int | GetIntOption (string Options, string ParseString, int CurrentValue)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | string | GetKeyBindName (string Cmd, PlayerController Ref)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | GetKeyValue (string Pair, out string Key, out string Value)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | string | GetLoadingHint (PlayerController Ref, string MapName, color HintColor)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | MapList | GetMapList (string MapListClassType)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | array<string> | GetMapRotation ()
![function function](../img_function.gif) | string | GetNetworkNumber ()
![function function](../img_function.gif) | string | GetNextLoadHint (string MapName)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | int | GetNumPlayers ()
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | GetPlayerControllerList (out array<PlayerController> ControllerArray)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | Texture | GetRandomTeamSymbol (int base)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | Manifest | GetSavedGames ()
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | GetServerDetails (out ServerResponseLine ServerState)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | GetServerInfo (out ServerResponseLine ServerState)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | GetServerPlayers (out ServerResponseLine ServerState)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | int | GetServerPort ()
![function function](../img_function.gif) | bool | GrabOption (out string Options, out string Result)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | bool | HasOption (string Options, string InKey)
![event event](../img_event.gif) | | InitGame (string Options, out string Error)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | InitGameReplicationInfo ()
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | InitLogging ()
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | InitMaplistHandler ()
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | InitSavedLevel ()
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | InitVoiceReplicationInfo ()
![function function](../img_function.gif) | bool | IsOnTeam (Controller Other, int TeamNum)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | bool | IsVehicleMutator (string MutatorClassName)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | bool | JustStarted (float T)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | Kick (string S)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | KickBan (string S)
![event event](../img_event.gif) | | KickIdler (PlayerController PC)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | KillBots (int num)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | Killed (Controller Killer, Controller Killed, Pawn KilledPawn, class<DamageType> damageType)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | KillEvent (string Killtype, PlayerReplicationInfo Killer, PlayerReplicationInfo Victim, class<DamageType> Damage)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | Object | LoadDataObject (class objClass, string objName, string packageName)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | LoadMapList (string MapPrefix, out array<string> Maps)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | LoadSRGrammar (string Grammar)
![event event](../img_event.gif) | PlayerController | Login (string Portal, string Options, out string Error)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | Logout (Controller Exiting)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | string | MakeColorCode (color NewColor)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | int | MultiMinPlayers ()
![function function](../img_function.gif) | string | NewRecommendCombo (string ComboName, AIController C)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | bool | NoBlood ()
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | NotifyKilled (Controller Killer, Controller Killed, Pawn KilledPawn)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | NotifyLogin (int NewPlayerID)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | NotifyLogout (Controller Exiting)
![event event](../img_event.gif) | | NoTranslocatorKeyPressed (PlayerController PC)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | int | OrderToIndex (int Order)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | TeamInfo | OtherTeam (TeamInfo Requester)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | string | ParseChatPercVar (Mutator BaseMutator, Controller Who, string Cmd)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | string | ParseKillMessage (string KillerName, string VictimName, string DeathMessage)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | string | ParseLoadingHint (string Hint, PlayerController Ref, color HintColor)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | string | ParseMessageString (Mutator BaseMutator, Controller Who, String Message)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | string | ParseOption (string Options, string InKey)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | ParseVoiceCommand (PlayerController Sender, string RecognizedString)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | byte | PickTeam (byte Current, Controller C)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | bool | PickupQuery (Pawn Other, Pickup item)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | bool | PlayerCanRestart (PlayerController aPlayer)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | bool | PlayerCanRestartGame (PlayerController aPlayer)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | PostBeginPlay ()
![event event](../img_event.gif) | | PostLogin (PlayerController NewPlayer)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | PreBeginPlay ()
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | PrecacheGameAnnouncements (AnnouncerVoice V, bool bRewardSounds)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | PrecacheGameStaticMeshes (LevelInfo myLevel)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | PrecacheGameTextures (LevelInfo myLevel)
![event event](../img_event.gif) | | PreLogin (string Options, string Address, string PlayerID, out string Error, out string FailCode)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | bool | PreventDeath (Pawn Killed, Controller Killer, class<DamageType> damageType, vector HitLocation)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | bool | PreventSever (Pawn Killed, Name boneName, int Damage, class<DamageType> DamageType)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | ProcessServerTravel (string URL, bool bItems)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | float | RatePlayerStart (NavigationPoint N, byte Team, Controller Player)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | string | RecommendCombo (string ComboName)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | int | ReduceDamage (int Damage, pawn injured, pawn instigatedBy, vector HitLocation, out vector Momentum, class<DamageType> DamageType)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | RegisterVehicle (Vehicle V)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | Reset ()
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | RestartGame ()
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | RestartPlayer (Controller aPlayer)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | ReviewJumpSpots (name TestLabel)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | bool | SavePackage (string packageName)
![event event](../img_event.gif) | | SceneAbort ()
![event event](../img_event.gif) | | SceneEnded (SceneManager SM, Actor Other)
![event event](../img_event.gif) | | SceneStarted (SceneManager SM, Actor Other)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | ScoreEvent (PlayerReplicationInfo Who, float Points, string Desc)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | ScoreKill (Controller Killer, Controller Other)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | ScoreObjective (PlayerReplicationInfo Scorer, float Score)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | SendPlayer (PlayerController aPlayer, string URL)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | SessionKickBan (string S)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | SetGameSpeed (Float T)
![event event](../img_event.gif) | | SetGrammar ()
![function function](../img_function.gif) | bool | SetPause (BOOL bPause, PlayerController P)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | SetPlayerDefaults (Pawn PlayerPawn)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | SetWeaponViewShake (PlayerController P)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | bool | ShouldRespawn (Pickup Other)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | StartMatch ()
![function function](../img_function.gif) | string | StripColor (string s)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | TeamScoreEvent (int Team, float Points, string Desc)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | TestLevel ()
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | Timer ()
![function function](../img_function.gif) | bool | TooManyBots (Controller botToRemove)
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | UpdatePrecacheMaterials ()
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | UpdatePrecacheStaticMeshes ()
![function function](../img_function.gif) | bool | UseLowGore ()
![function function](../img_function.gif) | | WeakObjectives ()
Inherited Functions from Engine.Actor |
*, +, -, AddToPackageMap, AdjustVolume, AllActors, AllowMusicPlayback, AnimBlendParams, AnimBlendToAlpha, AnimEnd, AnimIsInGroup, AnimStopLooping, Attach, AttachToBone, AutonomousPhysics, BaseChange, BasedActors, BecomeViewTarget, BeginEvent, BeginPlay, BlocksShotAt, BoneRefresh, BroadcastLocalizedMessage, Bump, CanSplash, ChangeBaseParamsFeedbackEffect, ChangeSpringFeedbackEffect, CheckForErrors, CheckMaxEffectDistance, ChildActors, ClearStayingDebugLines, ClientTrigger, Clock, CollidingActors, ConsoleCommand, CopyObjectToClipboard, Crash, CurrentLIPSincAnim, DebugClock, DebugUnclock, DemoPlaySound, Destroy, Destroyed, Detach, DetachFromBone, DisplayDebug, DrawDebugCircle, DrawDebugLine, DrawDebugSphere, DrawStayingDebugLine, DynamicActors, EffectIsRelevant, EnableChannelNotify, EncroachedBy, EncroachingOn, EndedRotation, EndEvent, Error, Falling, FastTrace, FellOutOfWorld, FinishAnim, FinishedInterpolation, FinishInterpolation, ForceFeedbackSupported, FreezeAnimAt, GainedChild, GetAllInt, GetAllIntDesc, GetAnimParams, GetBoneCoords, GetBoneRotation, GetCacheEntry, GetClosestBone, GetCollisionExtent, GetDebugName, GetHumanReadableName, GetLocalString, GetMapName, GetMeshName, GetNextInt, GetNextIntDesc, GetNextSkin, GetNotifyChannel, GetRenderBoundingSphere, GetRootLocation, GetRootLocationDelta, GetRootRotation, GetRootRotationDelta, GetSoundDuration, GetURLMap, GetUrlOption, HasAnim, HasLIPSincAnim, HealDamage, HitWall, HurtRadius, IsAnimating, IsInPain, IsInVolume, IsJoinedTo, IsPlayingLIPSincAnim, IsStationary, IsTweening, KAddAngularImpulse, KAddBoneLifter, KAddImpulse, KApplyForce, KDisableCollision, KDrawRigidBodyState, KEnableCollision, KFreezeRagdoll, KGetActorGravScale, KGetCOMOffset, KGetCOMPosition, KGetDampingProps, KGetFriction, KGetImpactThreshold, KGetInertiaTensor, KGetMass, KGetRBQuaternion, KGetRestitution, KGetRigidBodyState, KGetSimParams, KGetSkelMass, KilledBy, KImpact, KIsAwake, KIsRagdollAvailable, KMakeRagdollAvailable, KRBVecFromVector, KRBVecToVector, KRemoveAllBoneLifters, KRemoveLifterFromBone, KScaleJointLimits, KSetActorGravScale, KSetBlockKarma, KSetCOMOffset, KSetDampingProps, KSetFriction, KSetImpactThreshold, KSetInertiaTensor, KSetMass, KSetRestitution, KSetSimParams, KSetSkelVel, KSetStayUpright, KSetStayUprightParams, KSkelConvulse, KUpdateState, KVelDropBelow, KWake, Landed, LinkMesh, LinkSkelAnim, LIPSincAnimEnd, LockRootMotion, LoopAnim, LostChild, MakeNoise, MatchStarting, Move, MoveCacheEntry, MoveSmooth, NearSpot, NotifyLocalPlayerDead, NotifyLocalPlayerTeamReceived, OnlyAffectPawns, PauseStream, PawnBaseDied, PhysicsVolumeChange, PlayAnim, PlayerCanSeeMe, PlayFeedbackEffect, PlayLIPSincAnim, PlayMusic, PlayOwnedSound, PlaySound, PlayStream, PlayTeleportEffect, PostBeginPlay, PostLoadSavedGame, PostNetBeginPlay, PostNetReceive, PostTeleport, PostTouch, POVChanged, PreBeginPlay, PrecacheAnnouncer, PreSaveGame, PreTeleport, RadiusActors, RanInto, RecoverFromBadStateCode, RenderOverlays, RenderTexture, Reset, ResetStaticFilterState, SeekStream, SelfTriggered, SetAnimFrame, SetBase, SetBoneDirection, SetBoneLocation, SetBoneRotation, SetBoneScale, SetCollision, SetCollisionSize, SetDefaultDisplayProperties, SetDelayedDamageInstigatorController, SetDisplayProperties, SetDrawScale, SetDrawScale3D, SetDrawType, SetGRI, SetInitialState, SetLocation, SetOverlayMaterial, SetOwner, SetPhysics, SetRelativeLocation, SetRelativeRotation, SetRotation, SetStaticMesh, SetTimer, ShouldBeHidden, Sleep, Spawn, SpecialHandling, StartInterpolation, StopAllMusic, StopAnimating, StopFeedbackEffect, StopLIPSincAnim, StopMusic, StopStream, SuggestFallVelocity, TakeDamage, TeamLink, TextToSpeech, Tick, Timer, TimerPop, TornOff, Touch, TouchingActor, TouchingActors, Trace, TraceActors, TraceThisActor, TravelPostAccept, TravelPreAccept, Trigger, TriggerEvent, TweenAnim, UnClock, UnTouch, UnTrigger, UntriggerEvent, UpdateAnnouncements, UpdatePrecacheMaterials, UpdatePrecacheStaticMeshes, UpdateURL, UsedBy, VisibleActors, VisibleCollidingActors, ZoneChange |
const GIPROPNUM = 15;
var float AutoAim;
var globalconfig bool bAdminCanPause;
var globalconfig bool bAllowBehindView;
var bool bAllowMPGameSpeed;
var bool bAllowVehicles;
var config bool bAllowWeaponThrowing;
var bool bAlreadyChanged;
var localized bool bAlternateMode;
var bool bAttractCam;
var bool bCanChangeSkin;
var bool bCanViewOthers;
var globalconfig bool bChangeLevels;
var bool bDelayedStart;
var string BeaconName;
var globalconfig bool bEnableStatLogging;
var bool bForceClassicView;
var bool bGameEnded;
var bool bGameRestarted;
var bool bIsSaveGame;
var globalconfig bool bLargeGameVOIP;
var bool bLiberalVehiclePaths;
var bool bLoggingGame;
var globalconfig bool bLowGore;
var bool bModViewShake;
var bool bMustJoinBeforeStart;
var string BotMenuType;
var bool bOverTime;
var bool bPauseable;
var bool bRestartLevel;
var cache bool bTeamGame;
var bool bTestMode;
var bool bWaitingToStartMatch;
bWeaponShouldViewShake Source code
var globalconfig bool bWeaponShouldViewShake;
var config bool bWeaponStay;
var bool bWelcomePending;
var string CallSigns[15];
var int CurrentID;
DefaultPlayerClassName Source code
var string DefaultPlayerClassName;
var localized string DefaultPlayerName;
var transient string DemoCommand;
var float FearCostFallOff;
var globalconfig float GameDifficulty;
var string GameOptionsMenuType;
var globalconfig float GameSpeed;
var globalconfig string GameStatsClass;
var string GameUMenuType;
GIPropDescText[GIPROPNUM] Source code
var localized string GIPropDescText[GIPROPNUM];
GIPropsDisplayText[GIPROPNUM] Source code
var localized string GIPropsDisplayText[GIPROPNUM];
var localized string GIPropsExtras[2];
var config int GoalScore;
var globalconfig int GoreLevel;
var localized string GoreLevelText[3];
var cache string HUDSettingsMenu;
var string HUDType;
var globalconfig string MaplistHandlerType;
var cache string MapListType;
var cache string MapPrefix;
var globalconfig float MaxIdleTime;
var config int MaxLives;
var globalconfig int MaxPlayers;
var globalconfig int MaxSpectators;
var string MultiplayerUMenuType;
var string MutatorClass;
var localized string NoBindString;
var int NumBots;
var int NumPlayers;
var int NumSpectators;
var name OtherMesgGroup;
PlayerControllerClassName Source code
var string PlayerControllerClassName;
var cache string RulesMenuType;
var string ScoreBoardType;
var globalconfig string SecurityClass;
var globalconfig string ServerSkillLevel;
var string SettingsMenuType;
var float StartTime;
var config int TimeLimit;
var globalconfig string VotingHandlerType;
globalconfig string AccessControlClass;
string BroadcastHandlerClass;
cache String DecoTextName;
cache localized string Description;
cache localized string GameName;
GameReplicationInfoClass Source code
config int ResetTimeDelay;
cache string ScreenShotName;
VoiceReplicationInfoClass Source code
event AcceptInventory (
pawn PlayerPawn )
AcceptPlayInfoProperty Source code
static event bool AcceptPlayInfoProperty ( string PropName )
function AddDefaultInventory (
pawn PlayerPawn )
function AddGameModifier (
GameRules NewRule )
AddGameSpecificInventory Source code
function AddGameSpecificInventory (
Pawn p )
function AddMutator ( string mutname, optional bool bUserAdded )
static function AddServerDetail (
out ServerResponseLine ServerState,
string RuleName,
coerce string RuleValue )
static function AdjustBotInterface ( bool bSinglePlayer )
exec function AdminSay ( string Msg )
native final iterator function AllDataObjects (
class objClass,
out Object obj,
string packageName )
AllowBecomeActivePlayer Source code
function bool AllowGameSpeedChange ( )
static function bool AllowMutator ( string MutatorClassName )
function bool AtCapacity ( bool bSpectator )
event Broadcast (
Actor Sender,
coerce string Msg,
optional name Type )
function BroadcastTeam (
Controller Sender,
coerce string Msg,
optional name Type )
function ChangeMap ( int ContextID )
function ChangeName (
Controller Other,
coerce string S,
bool bNameChange )
function bool ChangeTeam (
Controller Other,
int N,
bool bNewTeam )
native final function Object CreateDataObject (
class objClass,
string objName,
string packageName )
native final function bool DeleteDataObject ( class objClass, string objName, string packageName )
native final function bool DeletePackage ( string packageName )
function Destroyed ( )
event DetailChange ( )
function DisableNextObjective ( )
function DiscardInventory (
Pawn Other )
function EndLogging ( string Reason )
function string FindPlayerByID ( int PlayerID )
event GameEnding ( )
static function array<string> GetAllLoadHints ( optional bool bThisClassOnly )
event string GetBeaconText ( )
static function int GetBindWeight ( byte KeyNumber )
function int GetDefenderNum ( )
static function string GetDescriptionText ( string PropName )
static function string GetDisplayText ( string PropName )
function int GetIntOption ( string Options, string ParseString, int CurrentValue )
static function GetKeyValue ( string Pair, out string Key, out string Value )
function MapList GetMapList (
string MapListClassType )
function array<string> GetMapRotation ( )
native function string GetNetworkNumber ( )
static function string GetNextLoadHint ( string MapName )
function int GetNumPlayers ( )
GetPlayerControllerList Source code
function GetPlayerControllerList (
out array<
PlayerController> ControllerArray )
static function Texture GetRandomTeamSymbol (
int base )
native final function Manifest GetSavedGames ( )
function int GetServerPort ( )
static function bool GrabOption ( out string Options, out string Result )
static function bool HasOption ( string Options, string InKey )
event InitGame ( string Options, out string Error )
InitGameReplicationInfo Source code
function InitGameReplicationInfo ( )
function InitLogging ( )
function InitMaplistHandler ( )
function InitSavedLevel ( )
InitVoiceReplicationInfo Source code
function InitVoiceReplicationInfo ( )
function bool IsOnTeam (
Controller Other,
int TeamNum )
static function bool IsVehicleMutator ( string MutatorClassName )
function bool JustStarted ( float T )
function Kick ( string S )
function KickBan ( string S )
exec function KillBots ( int num )
native final function Object LoadDataObject (
class objClass,
string objName,
string packageName )
native final static function LoadMapList ( string MapPrefix, out array<string> Maps )
native function LoadSRGrammar ( string Grammar )
event PlayerController Login (
string Portal,
string Options,
out string Error )
static function string MakeColorCode (
color NewColor )
function int MultiMinPlayers ( )
function string NewRecommendCombo (
string ComboName,
AIController C )
static function bool NoBlood ( )
function NotifyLogin ( int NewPlayerID )
NoTranslocatorKeyPressed Source code
static function int OrderToIndex ( int Order )
static function string ParseChatPercVar (
Mutator BaseMutator,
Controller Who,
string Cmd )
static native function string ParseKillMessage ( string KillerName, string VictimName, string DeathMessage )
static function string ParseMessageString (
Mutator BaseMutator,
Controller Who,
String Message )
static function string ParseOption ( string Options, string InKey )
function byte PickTeam (
byte Current,
Controller C )
function bool PickupQuery (
Pawn Other,
Pickup item )
function PostBeginPlay ( )
function PreBeginPlay ( )
PrecacheGameAnnouncements Source code
static function PrecacheGameAnnouncements (
AnnouncerVoice V,
bool bRewardSounds )
PrecacheGameStaticMeshes Source code
static function PrecacheGameStaticMeshes (
LevelInfo myLevel )
static function PrecacheGameTextures (
LevelInfo myLevel )
event PreLogin ( string Options,
string Address,
string PlayerID,
out string Error,
out string FailCode )
function ProcessServerTravel (
string URL,
bool bItems )
function string RecommendCombo ( string ComboName )
function RegisterVehicle (
Vehicle V )
function Reset ( )
function RestartGame ( )
function ReviewJumpSpots ( name TestLabel )
native final function bool SavePackage ( string packageName )
event SceneAbort ( )
function SessionKickBan ( string S )
function SetGameSpeed ( Float T )
event SetGrammar ( )
function SetPlayerDefaults (
Pawn PlayerPawn )
function bool ShouldRespawn (
Pickup Other )
function StartMatch ( )
function string StripColor ( string s )
function TeamScoreEvent ( int Team, float Points, string Desc )
function TestLevel ( )
function Timer ( )
function bool TooManyBots (
Controller botToRemove )
UpdatePrecacheMaterials Source code
function UpdatePrecacheMaterials ( )
UpdatePrecacheStaticMeshes Source code
function UpdatePrecacheStaticMeshes ( )
static function bool UseLowGore ( )
function WeakObjectives ( )
GoreLevelText(0)="No Gore"
GoreLevelText(1)="Reduced Gore"
GoreLevelText(2)="Full Gore"
GIPropsDisplayText(0)="Bot Skill"
GIPropsDisplayText(1)="Weapons Stay"
GIPropsDisplayText(2)="Reduce Gore Level"
GIPropsDisplayText(3)="Game Speed"
GIPropsDisplayText(4)="Max Spectators"
GIPropsDisplayText(5)="Max Players"
GIPropsDisplayText(6)="Goal Score"
GIPropsDisplayText(7)="Max Lives"
GIPropsDisplayText(8)="Time Limit"
GIPropsDisplayText(9)="World Stats Logging"
GIPropsDisplayText(10)="Allow Weapon Throwing"
GIPropsDisplayText(11)="Allow Behind View"
GIPropsDisplayText(12)="Allow Admin Pausing"
GIPropsDisplayText(13)="Kick Idlers Time"
GIPropsDisplayText(14)="Weapons shake view"
GIPropDescText(0)="Set the skill of your bot opponents."
GIPropDescText(1)="When enabled, weapons will always be available for pickup."
GIPropDescText(2)="Enable this option to reduce the amount of blood and guts you see."
GIPropDescText(3)="Controls how fast time passes in the game."
GIPropDescText(4)="Sets the maximum number of spectators that can watch the game."
GIPropDescText(5)="Sets the maximum number of players that can join this server."
GIPropDescText(6)="The game ends when someone reaches this score."
GIPropDescText(7)="Limits how many times players can respawn after dying."
GIPropDescText(8)="The game ends after this many minutes of play."
GIPropDescText(9)="Enable this option to send game statistics to the UT2004 global stats server"
GIPropDescText(10)="When enabled, players can throw their current weapon out."
GIPropDescText(11)="Controls whether players can switch to a third person view."
GIPropDescText(12)="Controls whether administrators can pause the game."
GIPropDescText(13)="Specifies how long to wait before kicking idle player from server."
GIPropDescText(14)="When enabled, some weapons cause view shaking while firing."
Creation time: Wed 7/2/2007 19:15:59.671 - Created with